The Ogre platform

Automate the generation of reproducibility artifacts

The Ogre platform enables you to connect your GitHub account and start tracking push events to your repos. Each time the repo code is updated, Ogre generates reproducibility artifacts (Dockerfiles, README, requirements, SBOM files) which empower developers to make their code work out of the box in other machines.

At the moment, the Ogre platform is compatible with GitHub only (integration with GitLab and Bitbucket are planned in future version). You can start using it in three simple steps:

  • Sign up to the Ogre platform using your GitHub account. You will be directed to the installation of the Ogre GitHub app

  • Select a repo to track and enter its description

  • Press the create button

Now the Ogre GitHub will track every push event to the main/master branch of the selected repo and generate the Ogre artifacts (Dockerfile, README, requirements, SBOM).

Last updated